first: the crew who is being paid to move volcanic rocks. the lake level is incredibly low (think, arrowhead in 2002). The rainy season hits in the summer, which will cause the lake to rise again. This crew is moving rocks so we can access our dock. Right now, there are empty plastic bottles tied to the biggest rocks so the boats don't pull a Titanic.
Wednesday I had to walk across 10 yards of rocks (scared for the safety of my laptop) to get onto the island.
Last night on our ride home from the island, the radio was playing something that made my ears perk up. Wait a tic- that's not reggaeton... slow, ballad, romance... Fabio, turn it up! Do you guys know this song? Si, Calley, it's "dama en rojo." You know it, Chris de Burgh, who the characters on Father Ted call a musical genius.
we all sang along, and then, my heart swelled with joy upon hearing the three words that I have wanted to hear;" let's do karaoke!"
(fact: I did end up at a karaoke bar a few weeks back, but did not get to sing)...
The next song came on, and Elsa rocked out in the backseat to "True Colors"
Roberto, our new waiter, said that when we all go (apparently there's a good spot that is open on Thursdays), he'll sing "Hotel California."
after a long day of training, planning, and then cooking things like
tamarind cioppino, i sometimes come home hungry, so make myself a filling pre-bedtime meal.
today I bought muriatic acid for the pool at home. although the testing levels are fine, it is kind of cloudy. This acid was recommended to me. after a trek and adventure to get it, I am experimenting with how much to actually put in the pool.
Nope. not bored down here, that's for sure.
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